Saturday, November 8, 2014

6 beauty and skin benefits of camphor : How to use camphor in your beauty applications

Camphor for beauty uses? Does it sound strange? but it is true that camphor has many uses for skin care. Well known for its healing and anti-bacterial properties, camphor can go a long way in treating a host of skin ailments. Here is presenting  the best 6 beauty and skin care benefits of camphor. Read on to know how to use camphor in your beauty applications.

1.Camphor for treating acne and pimples

 Camphor is a boon to acne and pimple -prone skin, thanks to its anti-bacterial  properties that make your skin less vulnerable to skin irritation, redness,  itchiness and minor cuts. Just add a pinch a camphor to water and apply on your skin and  say good bye to all skin problems and get a problem-free skin.

2.Camphor for fading pimple marks

You can make an amazing face mask for treating acne-scars and pimple marks. Whip up an acne and pimple control  facial mask at home - mix  2 spoons of fuller's earth,  some rose water,  half spoon of clove powder and a pinch of camphor. Make a thick mask out of these ingredients and dab on your face for 30 minutes before washing it off with ice cold water. This face mask can get you rid of  pimples and acne excellently and it will lighten your acne scars/pimple marks if used  on a regular basis. What is more,  this homemade recipe cam make your skin fairer, clearer and spotless  naturally.

3. Camphor and rose water skin toner

Just add  a pinch of camphor to the bottle of rose water and wipe clean your face several times a day with this solution. You can ever add few drops of mint juice to this solution to enhance its efficacy. Those suffering from pimple and acne can use this toner on a regular basis. So much so, this homemade skin toner can make your skin fairer dramatically, on a continuous use.

4.Camphor for shrinking open and large pores

For minimizing the size of skin pores, camphor is of great help. Just rustle up a magical face pack  with camphor for shrinking open and enlarged pores on your skin. Here is a how you can make it. Add a pinch of camphor to one spoon of honey and one spoon of brandy and  apply on your face and keep it on for 20 minutes. Use this beauty tip daily for best results.

5.Camphor powder for healthy and blemish free skin

You can make a face pack with 2 spoons of besan(gram flour) and 2 spoons of wheat flour, one spoon of fenugreek powder,one spoon of fenugreek powder, one spoon  of camphor powder,  one spoon of orange peel powder, one spoon of tomato juice, lemon juice and one spoon of yogurt each. Mix all ingredients and apply on your face. Keep it on your face for some time and then scrub a little while removing this mask.  The result : clear, healthy and flawless skin. This herbal and natural home remedy is very beneficial in removing pesky blackheads and whiteheads effectively.

6.Camphor powder for fair skin

Take both sides of bread and mix them with  one stalk of sandalwood, few strands of saffron and few drop of almond oil in milk cream. Grind all ingredients very well and then put this mixture in muslin cloth and rub on your skin gently. This process will make your skin fairer and brighter.

 By now you are well aware of top  6 beauty and skin benefits of camphor. So use them and get set to say good bye to all your skin problem right away!

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