- If we buy an expensive car, this distinguishes us from our neighbour and we feel happy. If, however, next month our neighbour buys an even fancier one, our satisfaction will be largely gone. You can see how this leads to an escalation, an arms race, with no winners.
- The satisfaction we get from luxury goods tends to decline steeply over time. We tend to get used quickly to what we have and the favourable features of the luxury good tend to fade into the background rapidly: we no longer notice the fancy features of our expensive car and our satisfaction diminishes.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Luxury Fever (review)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Goals Continuum
A manager told us recently: “One of the people in my team, Bert, does not perform well. Time and again he does not meet the deadlines. As a consequence the delivery to our customers is frequently delayed. This has to stop! But no matter how much I try to help him, I can’t seem to get through to him. He gets irritated, he tries to avoid me and he dismisses my suggestions. What am I to do?”
In order to constructively achieve your goals as a manager it is important to apply the right skills at the right time. In the above example this did not happen. The manager tries to solve a problem by helping the employee. However, directing the employee is in order in the above example. Therefore, helping or coaching does not work. It seems like the manager and the subordinate are on a different wave length which causes nothing to change.
- Imposing limits / correcting: when the employee’s behavior is unacceptable because it is harmful to others or to the organization, it is necessary for the manager to draw boundaries and clarify to the employee that the particular behavior has to stop and change.
- Clarifying performance expectations: when the employee does not show the minimally required performance, and the manager has to take action to stimulate the employee to perform up to standard.
- What do I want the employee to do differently? What does he have to start doing or what does he have to stop doing?
- To what end do I expect this of him? What are the advantages of what I expect him to do? To whom and from what perspective are these behaviors useful?
- How can you ensure that …… (what you expect from the employee)
- so that …… (the advantage of the behavior you expect)
Steve, a manager in a factory department, had to engage in a difficult conversation with Richard, an employee who had several times shown intimidating behavior towards his colleagues. A few colleagues had already said they were afraid of him. Steve had once before said to Richard that he would not accept physically aggressive behavior. Richard had responded evasively and had said:”It is very hard for me to control my temper because I was mistreated as a child myself”. This conversation between Steve and Richard did not lead to a clear understanding and agreement. Recently, there had been a new situation of Richard intimidating a co-worker and Steve wanted to talk about it with him. This time, Steve had prepared well for the conversation. He had written down what he expected of Richard and why. In the conversation he said: “Richard, you are a much appreciated person in this department because of your commitment and your readiness to help others. No wonder we would very much like to keep you around. For that, it will be necessary for you to restrain yourself at all times when you feel angry so that your colleagues can feel safe around you at all times. How can you that care of this?” After a few seconds, Richard responded like this: “I understand you ask this of me but it is very hard for me to control my anger when I feel challenged. Steve responded understandingly but firmly “I can imagine that after what you have told me recently. And given that is hard for you …. How can you still take care of it so that people will feel safe and we can keep on employing you here?” During the conversation Steve kept on coming back to the HOW-question. The conversation proceeded constructively and Richard and Steve made an agreement that Richard would at all times control himself when angry. Richard has since found a way to do this.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Not-Knowing Posture
- Does “not-knowing” imply that it’s easy and that anyone can do this work without training and a solid grasp of the philosophy behind it?
- If we take a “not-knowing” posture, how can we ethically charge money for our services?
- How can I prove to our clients how valuable my service is to them if I don’t know?
- I went through years of education and post-graduate training in order to be an expert and now you are saying I should forget everything I learned?
- Anderson, H. (1990) Then and now: From knowing to not-knowing. Contemporary Family Therapy Journal. 12:193-198.
- Anderson, H. & Goolishian, H. (1992) The client is the expert: A not-knowing approach to therapy. In. S. McNamee & K. Gergen (Eds.). Social Construction and the Therapeutic Process. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Berg, I.K. & Dolan, Y. (2001). Tales of Solutions. WW. Norton & Company, Inc., New York
- Gingerich WJ, Eisengart S: Solution-focused brief therapy: A review of the outcome research. Family Process 39:477-498, 2000
- Visser, C.F. & Butter, R. (2006). What works in coaching and consultancy? www.m-cc.nl/solution-focusedchange.htm
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Organizational Resilience in Times of Crisis
© 2005, Coert Visser
Summary - Researchers like Kim Cameron and Wayne Cascio have said for years that a strategy of laying-off people in many cases does not work, and may even backfire, in times of crisis. The situation in the American airline industry after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 was an almost unparalleled crisis. An excellent chance to take the test. Which companies proved to be most resilient and why?
Since 9/11 terrorist attacks, the world economy has suffered severely. The airline industry is one of the worst hit sectors. Passenger numbers fell back drastically, companies showed huge losses, and stock prices fell. Large numbers of employees lost their jobs. These traumatic events have confronted the sector with an ultimate test and have provided organizational scientists with a unique natural experiment. What different strategies have companies followed to handle this crisis and which strategies have proven most effective? These are the questions that researchers Jody Hoffer Gittell, Kim Cameron and Sandy Lim (2005) have formulated and answered.
"Who comes first, the employee, customers, or shareholders? That’s never been an issue to me. The employees come first. If they’re happy satisfied, dedicated, and energetic, they’ll take real good care of the customers. When the customers are happy, they come back. And that makes the shareholders happy."
- financial reserve: a) low debt position, b) high cash position
- percentage lay-offs
- recovery of stock prize
It is crystal clear: Southwest Airlines has stood the test brilliantly. Thanks to its excellent performance in the past it has built strong financial reserves. Isn’t it ironic? Analysts had often criticized Southwest for keeping these strong reserves saying they should have been used for acquiring other companies. But this crisis showed that the financial reserves played a crucial helping role. Southwest Airlines did not have to lay off any personnel. Because of this, the company could stick in word and deed to its strong commitment to personnel. Employees understood this message very well. All kinds of negative side–effects of downsizing could be avoided and the Southwest Airlines stock recovered faster than any of the competitors' stocks. Furthermore, Southwest was the only American airline company to make a profit in every single quarter of the period studied, while US Airways, which followed an almost completely opposite strategy (see table) showed a loss in every single quarter.
- Cameron, K.S. & D.A. Whetten (1987). Organizational effects of decline and turbilence. Administrative Science Quarterly, 32: 222-240.
- Cameron, K.S. (1994). Strategies for successful organizational downsizing. Human Resource Management Journal, 33: 189-212.
- Cameron, K.S. (1998). “Strategic organizational downsizing: An extreme case.” Research in Organizational Behavior, 20: 185-229.
- Cascio, W.F., Young, C.E. & Morris, J. (1997). financial consequences of employment change decisions in major US corporations. Academy of Management Journal, 40. 1175-1189.
- Cascio, W.F. (2002). Responsible restructuring: Creative and Profitable Alternatives to Layoffs. Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Conlin, M. (2001). Where Layoffs Are a Last Resort. Treating them as unthinkable can have big benefits. BusinessWeek online, October, 2001
- Gittell, J., Cameron, K. & Lim, S. (2005). Relationships, Layoffs, and organizational Resilience: Airline Industry Responses to September 11th. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- O'Reilly, C. & Peffer, J. (2000). Hidden Value. How great companies achieve ordinary results with ordinary people. Harvard Business School Press
- Peffer, J. (1998). The Human Equation. Building profits by putting people first. Harvard Business School Press
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Constructive and Activating Management Techniques
- Repeat the nature, the reason and the topic of the conversation
- Stress the importance: It is important that you … so that ….
- Activate the employee by repeating: How can you accomplish … so that …
- Keep on repeating and stressing these elements as long as the employee keeps on responding visitor-typically. Let the power of repetition work for you.
- Show understanding for the perception and the behavior of the employee: Aha, I understand that you …. (You don’t have to agree with what he says!)
- Activate the employee by repeating: Given that this is the case ……how can you accomplish … so that …
- Keep on repeating and stressing these elements as long as the employee keeps on responding complainer-typically. Let the power of repetition work for you.
- DeJong, P. & Berg, I.K (2001). Interviewing for solutions. Wadsworth Publishing; 2nd edition.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Circles of Change
Organizational change
Organizations, departments, and people in organizations work are practically permanently going through large and small changes. Those changes can encompass structural aspects like a change in the business process, merging departments, implementing systems, or changes in the management structure. They can also be about cultural changes like improving customer satisfaction, improving co-operation, raising productivity, and so forth.
Talking about progress
In large-scale change projects, it is very important to keep communicating about the goals of and the progress in the change process. Our observation is that meetings about organizational change often focus on two topics: 1) what goes wrong? and 2) What will we do about that? When people focus attention on these two questions, the result often disappoints. Participants in the meeting can get discouraged of everything that goes wrong and everything that has yet to be done.
The circle technique
The solution-focused approach to change has brought forward a technique that often helps to make meetings about organizational change simulating: the circle technique. It works like this. The facilitator of the meeting draws two circles on a large board or sheet, an inner circle, and an outer circle. In the inner circle, he writes down everything that has already been achieved and in the outer circle, he writes down what has yet to be achieved. It is also useful to divide the circle in two parts. Topics that refer to the department are written on the left side; topics that refer to the whole organization are written down on the right side (see figure 1).
Way of working
You can apply the circle technique quite broadly and flexibly. You can use it in one-on-one situations, in small groups and in large groups. When applied in small groups a serial approach often works well. The process facilitator asks one person after the other which results have already been achieved and which things have yet to be achieved. In larger groups, a parallel approach might work better. All participants can mention examples of achievements and goals. Splitting up the group into subgroups might also work well. Each subgroup is asked to draw their won circles and write down achievements and goals. Of course, after that, these subgroup circles can be discussed and integrated.
Positive terms
The circle technique works best when the words in the circles are phrased as concrete and positive as possible. In finding the most constructive words, the facilitator plays a crucial role. When participants at first phrase a goal in terms of a complaint (“the managers never gives us feedback”) the facilitator may help them to rephrase this complaint into a goal (“helpful management feedback”). De complaint is rephrased in terms of the presence of something positive instead of in terms of the absence of something.
A department manager did the circle exercise together with his team and came to the following achievements and goals (figure 2).
GoalsWhen the circles are filled, the facilitator focuses on the outer circle. First, he asks participants to prioritize the goals mentioned. Often it is wise to limit the number of goals to two or three. Then some attention may be paid to how the goals may be achieved. For this, the scaling technique may be used. More information about this technique can be found here.
AdvantagesUsing the circle technique has several advantages. First, it is very simple and goal oriented. It forces people to focus on the essence: making progress in the desired direction. Secondly, we often notice how participants in meetings are positively surprised by what everything that has already been achieved. This strengthens their confidence, pride and faith. Thirdly, it is very pleasant that people leave the room with some very concrete goals.
Using the circle technique can provide a useful impulse in the change process. We hope you like it and try it out. When you try it, do let us know how it worked!
Looking at the Other Side of the Coin
Managing people takes more than clear black and white views. Even though it certainly is important to make expectations and rules of conduct clear, it is not as simple as it is described in textbooks. Many good managers have discovered that managing people is an art rather than a science, and all artistic skills take time to develop and become good at. Many competent managers discover this reality by trial and error.
Sometimes this art is described as practice wisdom. By trial and error, good managers have learned that bringing out the best in their workers is the best strategy to motivate, encourage, and teach their workers without “teaching”. Many wise managers have learned that when it is the worker’s idea to change, they will change as much as they can, for as long as they can. On the other hand, when workers are forced to change, they change as little as they can, for as short period as possible.
The most important tool that managers can have is their ability to see both sides of a same coin. Human beings are so complex and multi-faceted that a single, one-dimensional view of a worker is not adequate to describe the whole person, yet we often hear one-sided comments from managers about their workers. “George is unmotivated,” “Linda doesn’t know how to be tactful,” “Mark is a loudmouth,” and so on. It is easy to reduce a worker into a simple description because it saves time and we come to the point.
The problem with this approach is that it does not offer managers better ways to “manage” the difficulty they have with their workers. On the contrary, it reduces the manager’s options. For example, if the problem is one is “unmotivated”, then the logical solution to that is to lecture George about his lack of motivation. You can easily imagine the conversation that might follow which in turn proves to the manager that indeed George is unmotivated. This sets off a chain reaction to “do something about the problem” and leads to further “problem talk” with George. This rarely works in the long run. Pretty soon the manager may find herself repeating the warning, threat, reprimand, and nagging again and again without lasting desired outcome.
On the other hand, suppose the manager saw George as “distracted” instead. One can easily imagine what the manager might do to bring the attention of George back to getting his task done. And reminding and helping George to refocus on his task is much more pleasant for the manager and George than to be nagged at. Seeing George as “unmotivated” may be quite accurate, and so may his being “distracted” and losing his focus be. But framing it in a constructive way offers much more flexible ways to solve the manager’s problem.
The same thing happens with Mark’s “loudmouth” When we label someone as “loudmouth” then our solution to it is to suggest to Mark to be quiet or soft spoken, be more careful when he opens his mouth. It is improbable that Mark will agree with this definition. He is more likely to be defensive and offended, and become angry. Reframing Mark’s behavior as his “outspoken style” will lead to a greater chance to change his tendency to blurt things out. Changing his style is much easier to do than to change his personality. Linda’s lack of tactfulness can be easily viewed as her open and honest style. Again, one can more easily and subtly help them to change the style of communication than offering them communication training.
We believe that most of the time, all of us mean well and generally we just like to be valued and recognized for that. The same goes for George, Mark and Linda. That is why it not so strange they feel hurt and offended when spoken to offensively. It is only understandable they will get defensive. It is only logical that a more constructive approach will make them feel more valued for their good intentions and will make them more open for suggestions and more ready to make some changes.
When we, as managers, change how we view a person, we can generate much simpler and easier solutions to them so that we can focus our attention on more difficult and time consuming issues.
Five Tips for Sustaining Change
A department was trying to implement a culture change in which more discipline and sticking better to agreements were important goals. The change process had started and had at first led to promising results. After about one and a half year, it became obvious that the change process was no longer proceeding well. Several old problems reappeared and there were no clear signs of progress.With long lasting change processes in organizations managers sometimes worry about the possibility that at a certain moment stagnation or a set-back might happen. After a promising start the change process can lose its momentum. The energy disappears, the progress in the direction of the goal seems to be gone, people seem to go back to business as usual, old problems come back, and cynicism about the desired change turns up. To worry about these things is understandable because it is not uncommon that periods of stagnation and set-backs happen in change programs. The solution-focused approach to organizational change offers some practical tips for managers to deal with these phenomena.
Tip 1: Don’t focus on stagnation when it is not yet a problem
Many change managers begin to warn about stagnation, set-backs, and cynicism when it is not yet happening. But by doing this they focus the attention on something that does not necessarily have to occur. People involved in the change process could become pessimistic through such warnings or they could get discouraged. They can even feel they are being underestimated. Talking about stagnation that might occur could easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But major stagnation and set-backs certainly do not always happen! Solution-focused change practitioners use the principle:
“If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”.They don’t try to solve problems of stagnation and set-backs in advance but only when they occur, if they occur at all…
Tip 2: Look for signs that indicate that change will be maintainedSometimes people think it is important to take measure to prevent stagnation and set-backs. If youti decide to do that the way you do it is important. Steve De Shazer, the solution-focused pioneer from Milwaukee, says:
“People are trained to look for signs of a set-back. But we train people to look for signs that indicate that with this change there will be no set-back.”By focusing attention on signs that the change will continue the people involved will get a better sight on the factors that help the change so that they can use these. The question of De Shazer is an example of question which is often used in the solution-focused approach: what reasons for optimism do you see? This type of question often works very well because it strengthens optimism and the confidence needed for change.
Tip 3: Normalize it when it happensWhen stagnation and set-backs happen it is often useful to apply the technique of normalizing. This means that you help people to see that what happens is normal. This helps to keep people from getting discouraged and losing confidence in the feasibility of the change. One manager applies normalizing by making a comparison with the stock market.
“If you look at stock price bdevelopment from a distance you see a steadily growing line. But if you look closer you see many fluctuations, some large some small. It is like that with organizational change. Overall it goes up but from day to day there may be set-backs and disappointments, sometimes small, sometimes larger. That is only normal. This is why every now and then you have to take a step back in order to keep sight on the steadily growing line that you can only see when looking from a distance.”Tip 4: Focus on what has been achieved so farAt moments when things don’t seem to go well in a change process it is often useful to focus closely on what has been achieved, how that was done and what advantages it has brought. By doing this people usually come to realize that more things have gone right than they had thought and they usually find new confidence, optimism and focus. Furthermore, they find new ideas to get the change going again and to start making progress.
Tip 5: Apply again what worked beforeWhen a set-back happens people can sometimes wonder how to progress forward. But there is a simple answer that is often very useful. Many times, set-backs are caused by attention slipping away and by forgetting to apply effective solutions. In many cases we see that simply starting to apply again what has worked before will bring new life to the change process. This is similar to the Rose of Jericho.
The Rose of Jericho is a plant from the desert of Mexico. When it does not get water it dries out and becomes grey and breakable. It can stay like this for a surprisingly long time. But when it receives water again it gets its natural green color back and it starts to flourish again. This can be repeated over and over.Bringing new life to stagnating change
Of course change processes can stagnate and of course old problems can turn up again. And often this leads to disappointment and pessimism. But just as often the change process can be revitalized by very simple means. The five tips mentioned in this article have proven their use many times. The department manager from the case at the beginning of this article applied them.
The department manager called for a meeting about the change process. He emphasized that it was normal to be confronted with a set-back and invited all to make a list of everything that had been achieved since the start of the change process. About every thing they mentioned he asked what its advantages were and how they had managed to achieve it. This inquiry led to an impressive amount of material and the spirit of the meeting changed remarkably. The enthusiasm for the change goals grew and people regained their pride and hope. Next, the manager invited every participant to formulate which concrete results they wanted to achieve for the coming period and which small steps they would take in order to achieve them. This led to a very nice list of small goals and steps. The energy for change had been low for a period but after this session it was back without a doubt.
Staying Focused on Results
We are often struck by how results oriented many people in business are. It seems to come naturally to many of them to constantly keep an eye on the outcomes they want to achieve. It seems fair to say that business conversations are essentially goal driven conversations. However, in situations of adversity both managers and employees seem to lose that focus.
Whenever there are obstacles, when there is delay, when people don’t perform like intended, it seems only natural to become more directive, more outspoken and to generate pressure in order to speed up the process of getting results. A patient, soft spoken, thoughtful, style of management seems to be the last thing that is asked for. Rather, such a style is viewed as conflicting with a results focus and should be avoided. After all, how can you create sense urgency when you act patiently and understanding?
In such cases the drive for results is usually still there but it somehow does not translate into real progress toward the goal. Instead, people seem to get sidetracked by starting to focus more on what they want to do then on what they want to achieve. For instance, they may take disagreement as a personal affront and only seem to want to get their anger out and ‘tell it like it is’ to their colleagues. Or they may turn to a highly directive and authoritative approach in order to motivate an employee.
However logical these behaviors may appear, they will nearly always have an adverse impact. Telling it like it is, getting mad, getting overly bossy will most likely bring achievement of the goal further out of sight. People will probably respond defensive, hurt, or angry when confronted with these behaviors. Or they may comply against their will and grow less committed to their work and organizations because of that.
Do tough situations mainly require tough talk? No. We say quite the opposite. We have often seen that a direct, authoritative approach creates obstacles to achieving goals rather than that it is helpful. To become truly outcome focused in these challenging situations we argue for a very deliberate approach which squarely puts the desired results central. We suggest to pause for a second and ask yourself some of the following questions:
What is the outcome I want? What do I want to achieve from this conversation? Is my priority to just to feel better here and now or do I want to get the job done? What can this person contribute to achieving the goal? How do we get there together? What worked well with this person before?
This kind of conversation makes it much easier for the other person to feel understood and appreciated and will make it therefore much likelier that he will join you in trying to improve the situation. Although this approach is much friendlier and more likable than the authoritative one, that is not the primary reason to do it like that. We believe business is not being friendly and about liking each other. Instead we are convinced that a critical task for anyone in business is delivering results. We don’t only mean financial results; results can be anything that contributes to achieving the purpose of the organization.
Do we deny the importance of feelings and of the quality of relationships? Not in the least. The paradox is that being effective as a team in the sense that it delivers results may be on of the most important prerequisites of having a good time together and liking and appreciating each other. The opposite goes too. It is almost impossible to keep on liking and enjoying each others company when results keep on lacking.
Don’t get angry, impatient or bossy. Instead focus on desired results and how you and the other person (people) can co-operate to make progress. It is not necessarily easy to do this. Research has shown that in stressful situations people tend to start thinking in simple terms and rely more on directive approaches. But deliberately choosing the attitude we propagate helps and makes the task feasible. Once you experience the advantages more and more it will become easier to keep on choosing it.
Managing Strengths in Three Steps
© Coert Visser
Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sun-dial in the shade?
- Benjamin Franklin
Excellent performance is based on strengths
This article is a follow up of Effective managers pay attention to strengths. That article explained how excellent performance is primarily based on identifying, applying and developing strengths. The statement is supported by solid research by Gallup. However, in everyday practice most (HR) managers seem to take strengths for granted and focus first and foremost on identifying and eliminating weaknesses and deficits.
Large-scale international research by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O' Clifton (2001) has shown that effective manager do not emphasize weaknesses and limitations but strengths. From their research it has become clear that effective managers are led by the convictions that everyone’s talents are lasting and unique and that the greatest opportunity for development for each person lies in the area of their greatest strengths.
Strengths are talents + skills + knowledge
The authors define strengths as a talents completed with skills and knowledge. Skills and knowledge can be developed very well providing talent is there but talent itself can not, or hardly, be developed. Strengths can thus be developed by identifying talents and completing them with skills and knowledge. Of course, weaknesses and limitations don’t have to be denied or ignored. After all, eliminating impeding limitations can be a necessary requirement of good performance too.
Step 1: Identifying talents
Talents are not only recognizable in good performance but also in things like interests, affinities, gratification, and speed of learning. Below you will find some examples of questions you can ask to identify talents and strengths of employees (Visser & Thissen, 2002).
Clues and example questions
1. Performance
When does the employee perform exceptionally well? An indication of a talent is often consistent good performance. One thing is important to point out: even if the employee does not perform to well on the whole you can focus on strengths by identifying those situations in which the performance did exceed expectations.
2. Fast learning
What kinds of new knowledge and skills does the employee acquire with above average speed?
3. Interest
Which activities does the employee love to do?
4. Gratification
Which activities and tasks give the employee the most gratification? When does the employee talk with great enthusiasm about his or her work? What accomplishments is the employee most proud of? What made these so special?
Step 2: Applying and using Strengths
Identifying talents is only a first step. After that you can start to really manage base don strengths. Managers often say that they are motivated to do so but don’t know how. A manager in a technical company said:
“I would love to contribute to the development of the strengths of my employees. But how exactly do you do that? In appraisal conversations I often can’t think of anything else to say about strengths … than that they are strengths. And then the conversation again focuses on weaknesses and problems.”
Here are some suggestions about what to do with strengths. These suggestions can be used both by the managers and by the employee.
Actions and explanation
1. Apply the strength consciously
Help employees to use their strengths. This may seem like forcing an open door but many people often leave their strengths unused. Help the employee to see that it is wise to use strengths consciously. Applying strengths when they are unasked for is a waste of your talents and can be annoying to others. What is often seen as a weakness is actually a strength in a situation or at a time that does not ask for it. The question thus is: when is the time right to use your strengths?
2. Develop the strength
Help employees to complete their talents with knowledge and skills. Some ways to do this are practicing with others, doing a training, and teaming up with experienced colleagues.
3. Challenge the strength by applying it on a higher level
Help employees to learn to stretch their strengths step by step by applying strengths on a slightly higher level (a bit more complex, a bit more challenging).
4. Apply the strength more broadly
Help employees to find new applications for their strengths (in which other situations might the strength be useful too?
Step 3: Managing Weaknesses
As mentioned before, it is really not necessary to ignore or deny weaknesses and limitations. Not only would that be asking too much of people, it can also be just plainly useful to acknowledge problems and to take away hindering factors like weaknesses and limitations. But the way you do that is important. Don’t try to turn real weaknesses into real strengths. This will most likely be a complete waste of time and lead to frustration both with you and the employee. How to do it more effectively? Here are some suggestions.
Action Explanation
1. Improve just a bit
When an employee clearly displays a weakness (for instance, he is consistently doing things wrong) demand from him to improve the skill in question to an acceptable level.
2. Use resources
Help employees to utilize circumstances, procedures, tools, and systems to compensate their weaknesses.
3. Make weaknesses irrelevant
Help employees to make their weakness though their strengths: develop them to such a level that clients, colleagues, etc don’t mind about your weaknesses anymore.
4. Find a partner
Help employees to find people that complement them. Their weaknesses can be compensated by strengths of others. In addition to this: help employees develop attention to and appreciation for diversity and strengths of others and help them to see how other peoples strengths help to compensate their own weaknesses.
5. Stop doing it
When employees are weak in something it can be an option to just stop doing the task. This can imply that the employee must switch jobs but in most cases this will not be necessary. Often, it will be possible to assign tasks in such a way that people can focus largely on things they like to do and do well. The main reason this is possible is that people differ a lot in talents and interests.
Management and self management
Hopefully you like these tips and see their use in you job as a (HR) manager. The suggestions are intended principally to be of use for you in your management responsibility. But they may also be useful for the way you manage yourself. After all, you own performance is also served best with a strengths-based approach.
- Buckingham, M. & Clifton, D. (2001). Now, discover your strengths. Simon & Schuster
- Visser, CF & Thissen, M.J. (2002). Effective managers pay attention to strengths.
Making Meetings More Useful
- What topic(s) should be discussed to make it a useful session for you?
- How will you know after the session has ended it will have been useful for you? What will be different?
- What small thing can you do to get as much as possible from this meeting?
- Is/was this useful for you?
- If yes, how is it useful?
- If no, how could we make it more useful?
- How can we use the remaining time as well as possible?
- Has this meeting been useful for you?
- What has been most useful for you?
- How can you apply this?
- Which small step can you take tomorrow?
Tips for Intelligent Group Decisions
“... the more power you give a single individual in the face of complexity and uncertainty, the more likely it is that bad decisions will get made”.
- Diversity: when arguments, views and opinions do not differ from each other they don’t add anything to one another. Diversity guarantees that multiple perspectives are brought into the decision-making process and that a broader range of information is included.
- Independence: when individual group members are strongly influenced by arguments, information, experiences and onions of others this will suppress the diversity of input into the decision-making process. This increases the likelihood of groupthink.
- Decentralization: the chance to achieve collective wisdom is greatest when individuals get a chance to bring their own information and experience into the process. Surowiecki calls this ‘local experience’.
- Aggregation: a mechanism and a process to come to an integration of the different views and opinions. It is very important to prevent that there will be too much interaction before each other to strongly so that the pressure to conform may get too strong and any deviating opinions will be suppressed.
- Make sure that people with different backgrounds, positions, experiences and opinions are included in the process so that a richness of perspectives can be used.
- Involve a considerable number of people. The more people can participate the greater the chance will be that different perspectives will be included.
- Make sure that each participant to the decision-making process prepares very well to the decisions that need to be taken.
- Prevent long discussions. Start early in the process with inviting people to bring forward their information and views in order to keep them from surrendering to group pressure.
- Gather information and views simultaneously. A handy tool may be an electronic decision-making system. This helps to gather input simultaneously and anonymously (if needed). People who have worked with these kinds of systems are usually both satisfied with the process and with the outcome of the decision-making process.
- Janis, I. (1972). Victims of groupthink. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Mackay, C. (1841). Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Wordsworth Reference.
- Parker Follett, M. (1924). Creative Experience.
- Surowiecki, J. (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds. Doubleday.
Purposeful Change in Seven Steps
Benjamin Disraeli, the nineteenth century British statesman, once said: ‘Change is inevitable’. That is quite right. Change happens constantly, whether we drive it deliberately or not. The seven-step-method, which is described in this article, is about purposeful change. The method can be compared to a recipe. All ingredients and steps have their specific function and can add to the taste. But the recipe allows you to determine the order and quantities in which the ingredients are used. The seven steps are:
The seven step method
1. Clarifying the desire for change
2. Defining the desired state
3. Determining the platform
4. Analyzing past success
5. One small step forward
6. Monitoring progress
7. Determining the further desire for change
Below follows a description of the situation of Frank, a team manager who needs help improving the financial performance of his team.
1. Clarifying the desire for change
When people have a desire for change there is always something evoking that change. This may be the presence of something negative or the absence of something positive. Clarifying the desire for change is often a useful first step towards effective change. Acknowledging problems by clarifying how they form a problem is often the key to making the desire for change understood.
2. Defining the desired state
As soon as it has become clear why change is desired, we proceed by defining the desired state. This is done by describing concretely and positively what we want the situation to be like. This step is about answering the question: “How do you want things to be different?” With this step it is particularly important to be very specific: how precisely will things be different and how will that be an advantage to whom?
3. Determining the platform
The third step is determining the platform. The platform is the current situation, the state from which you start or proceed to make progress in the direction of the desired state. The key to determining the platform is to answer questions like: “What have we already achieved?” “What is already there?” and “What has brought us to where already are?” These questions are formulated very constructively. When determining the platform when investigate how full the glass already is and how it became this full. It helps to recognize that some things have already been achieved and how that happened. This helps to strengthen our trust, optimism and hope.
4. Analyzing past success
The next step is to begin to look for situations in which the desired state has already, to some extent, happened. Often, these situations are called exceptions to the problem, or ‘positive exceptions’. These can be situations in which the problem happened less intensely or in which the desired results were already there in some extent. With this step these situations are identified and analysed. How did these exceptions take place? What made them possible and what did you do different to make them happen? A very specific ‘picture’ is painted of anything that might have been helpful to make the past success happen. After you have identified and analyzed one ‘past success’ situation you may choose to do another one. You can analyse as many past success situations as you wish.
5. One small step forwardThem as a next step, try to build on past success. First, look at how past successes are relevant for the current situation. Then, think of a small step forward. This is sometimes called ‘ building a bridge between past success and future success. This small step is based on what we have just learned by analyzing the past success situation. The small step can be seen as an experiment. We never know for sure if the step will lead to success. After all, the current situation will never be completely identical to the past situation.
6. Monitoring progressAs a next step it is important to monitor progress. This can be done by answering the following question: “What goes better?” The purpose of this question is to become more aware of the progress that has been made and to identify what has worked. When is has become clear what has helped to make progress it will be clear how to make further progress: by doing more of what works. Monitoring progress strengthens trust in the feasibility of the goal.
7. Determining the further desire for changeThe next step is to determine whether there exists a desire for futher change or not. If so, then you can return to steps 1, 2, 3, or 4 and follow them from there. If there is no further desire for change the deliberate change process is terminated. Each time the desire for change re-emerges the process can be restarted at once.
Use the method flexiblyThe seven-step method is a descriptive, not a prescriptive method. It reflects how effective change often happens but it does not claim effective change should always happen like this. Often, not all of the seven steps will be relevant and the order in which the steps are used can vary from situation to situation. In other words: don’t take this model to strictly and rigidly. Nearly always the method will be applied iteratively. For instance: after step 7 you go back to a previous step and restart from there.
An Example of how this can work:Frank is a team manager who asks for the help of a management coach to improve the financial results of his team. First they think about why exactly it is important to change: if his team will not succeed in making the budget people may lose there jobs and Frank can surely forget about promotion within the company. Next, with the help of his coach, Frank defines de desired state: within three months he wants to have his team performing on target again so that everybody will be able to see that they are on the right track again. This would mean more security for the team and better career prospects for Frank. Then, Frank and his coach identify where the team stands now and what has already been achieved: a good cost control, satisfied customers and some good-performing team members. Through this, Frank realizes that there is a reason for optimism. Then he analyzes past successes. He remembers a situation in which he has managed to turn a disappointing team result into a better one: he informed the team fully about the situation and mentioned his worries without detailedly instructing team members what to do. Instead he asked them for ideas which led to some great ideas and initiatives and collaborations. He decides to try out this approach again. Soon there are some promising results. Frank gets complimented by the business unit manager. The thread is out of the air and Frank begins to believe again in the possibility of a promotion.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Managing With What is There
- Desired results: visualize what you want to achieve. Which concrete results do you want to achieve? What will be different when you will have achieved these? How is this an advantage to you and the organization?
- Past success: when have you experienced that the desired results have already been showing up to some extent? Even slight successes or just beginnings of successes count. When were things going reasonably well or maybe even very well? What was happening then? What was different?
- What worked? What helped in that situation of past success? What made it possible? What worked well?
- Action: How can I apply this again? How can I use in the current situation what has worked before?
- Hindrance: make explicit for yourself what it is precisely that hinders you in the person or the situation.
- Desired results: Make explicit what you want to achieve. Which visible results do you want to achieve?
- From hindrance to helpful: Ask yourself the question: how could what is bothering, hindering me be useful for achieving my goal?
- Action: What could I do to make more use of that?